17 items found

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips from Star and News, November 1993

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips, Hometowne Topic

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips from Star and News, DMD, October 1993

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips, Fount. Sq. Initiative Unveiled Topic

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Outreach, Blackburn Terrace Topic

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips from Star and News, DMD, September 1993

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips from Star and News, $9 Million Topic

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips, Damien Center Topic

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Outreach, Improve Fount. Sq. Topic

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips from Star and News, DMD/Housing/ August 1993, Page 1

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips from Star and News, DMD, August 1993, Page 2

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips, Zoning Revision Topic

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Outreach, DMD, August 1993

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips from Star and News, DMD, August 1993, Page 3

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips from Star and News, MDC/CityInvest. Topic

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Newsclips, DMD, August 1993

City of Indianapolis Public Information Report-Outreach, Nghd Forum Topic