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Mayor Hudnut Speaks at Purdue-Notre Dame Football Game, Hoosier Dome, July 8, 1984

Ceremonies preceded the inaugural sporting event--a college football match-up between state rivals Notre Dame University and Purdue University--at the newly opened Hoosier Dome. From left to right: Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, President of Notre Dame University; Steven C. Beering, President of Purdue University; Archbishop Edward Thomas O'Meara, Archbishop of Indianapolis; Mayor William H. Hudnut III; P. E. MacAllister, president of the Capital Improvement Board, which owned and operated the Hoosier Dome; Bob Welch, real estate developer and a key figure behind the construction of the Dome and the bringing of the Colts to Indianapolis; and Carolyn Blitz of the Indianapolis Commission for Downtown and coordinator of events surrounding the opening of the Hoosier Dome.