International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

25 items found

I.B.E.W. Legislative Reception Invitation

Brookshire Golf Club Golf Outing Invitation

IBEW Financing Option

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 3, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 4, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 5, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 6, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 7, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 8, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 9, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 1, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 10, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut at Western Electric Press Conference, February 13, 1984, Img. 2, with John M. Mutz

Mayor Hudnut to Jerry T. Payne, October 13, 1980

Jerry T. Payne to Al Fernandez, September 30, 1980

Sydney H. Weedman to Jerry T. Payne, October 10, 1980

Alvin C. Fernandes, Jr. to Jerry T. Payne, October 10, 1980

Robert D. Orr, John M. Mutz, Mayor Hudnut, and Leonard Massingale to Charles L. Brown, September 15, 1983

Charles L. Brown to Governor Orr, September 23, 1983

Mayor Announces Plans for AT&T Visit