Snow Removal
381 items found
Cartoon of Stephen Goldsmith on Snow Removal
Mayor Goldsmith and Hudnut in a Snowball Fight
Indianapolis Experience, February 8, 1999
John T, Moriarty to Steve Goldsmith, January 25, 1994
Mayor Hudnut, Teachers' Union and Snow Removal
Larry Broderick Award, Joseph Slash Nomination
Indianapolis Department Of Public Works
Jim Little to Todd Durnil, February 4, 1994
Gary Abell To Steve Goldsmith, Dollyne Pettingill, Todd Durnill, and Brad Sweezy, January 24, 1994
Dollyne Pettingill To Stephen Goldsmith, Anne Shane, Mike Stayton, February 12, 1994
Handwritten Notes Snow Removal Budget
John McCorkhill to Michael Stayton, February 9, 1994
Fax To Mike Stayton
To Michael Stayton, February 9, 1994
034 Palmer
034 Palmer, Item 2
DOT Snow Removal N/C, October 18, 1988, Img. 25, with Mayor Hudnut, Gordon G. Gilmer, Joseph C. Staehler, George H. Lynch
DOT Snow Removal N/C, October 18, 1988, Img. 26, with Mayor Hudnut, Gordon G. Gilmer, Joseph C. Staehler
DOT Snow Removal N/C, October 18, 1988, Img. 27, with Mayor Hudnut
Mayor Hudnut at DOT Snow Removal N/C, October 18, 1988, Proof Sheet