Neighborhood Development
173 items found
State of the City, Golden Rule Insurance Company, Feb. 2, 1994
Kelly Mills, Thoughts on the 21st Century
David Castro, Thoughts on the 21st Century
Damon Haney Jr., Thoughts on the 21st Century
Mike Escue II, Thoughts on the 21st Century
Amanda Jayne, Thoughts on the 21st Century
Daniel Smith, Thoughts on the 21st Century
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges The Outstanding Service of Gale Gehlhausen
Notes from Larry Hatfiel to John Gigerich
Proposed Dates for Plan Components
Micro-Enterprise Meeting, November 17, 1994
From Deborah J. Daniels, April 4, 1995
Deborah J. Daniels to Wilhelmina Bell-Taylor, April 3, 1995
Community Economic Development
From Deborah J. Daniels, April 4, 1995_Fax
Deborah J. Daniels to Wilhelmina Bell-Taylor, April 3, 1995 Re: Attendance for Collaborators' Meeting
Micro-Enterprise Development, January 5, 1995
Proposed Neighborhood Development Project, National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise
Potential Funding Sources: Woodson Project
Revised Budget_Woodson Project