110,116 people found
- 1971 Primary Election
- 1971 Republican Campaign
- 1972 Amendments to the Water Bill
- 1972 Congressional Campaign
- 1972 Election
- 1972 Election, Primary
- 1972 Elections
- 1972 Gubernatorial Campaign
- 1972 Gubernatorial Election
- 1972 Indiana Congressional Campaign
- 1972 Indiana Gubernatorial Campaign
- 1972 Indiana Gubernatorial Election
- 1972 Indiana State Republican Convention
- 1972 Marion County Republican Convention
- 1972 Olympic Games
- 1972 Presidential Campaign
- 1972 Presidential Election
- 1972 Primary Election
- 1972 Republican Campaign
- 1972 Republican National Convention
- 1972 Republican Party Platform
- 1972 Senate Campaign
- 1973 Downtown Indianapolis Fire
- 1973 Election
- 1973 Federal Highway Aid Act
- 1973 Indiana General Assembly
- 1973 Republican Campaign
- 1974 Congressional Campaign
- 1974 Democratic Party Platform
- 1974 Election
- 1974 Election, Primary
- 1974 Elections
- 1974 Indiana State Republican Convention
- 1974 Primary Election
- 1974 Republican Campaigns
- 1974 Republican National Convention
- 1974 Republican Party Platform
- 1974 Senate Campaign
- 1974 Senate Election
- 1974 U.S. House Campaign
- 1975 Election
- 1975 Indianapolis Mayoral Campaign
- 1975 Mayoral Campaign
- 1975 Primary Election
- 1976 Campaign
- 1976 Election
- 1976 Exposition
- 1976 General Election
- 1976 Indiana State Republican Convention
- 1976 National Convention
- 1976 Presidential Campaign
- 1976 Presidential Election
- 1976 Republican National Convention
- 1976 Republican Party Platform
- 1976 Senate Campaign
- 1976 USA Bicentennial Exposition
- 1976 Winter Olympic Games
- 1978 Election
- 1979 Election
- 1979 Indianapolis Mayoral Campaign
- 1980 Election
- 1980 Election, Primary
- 1980 Elections
- 1980 Indiana Gubernatorial Campaign
- 1980 Marion County Republican Convention
- 1980 Presidential Campaign
- 1980 Presidential Election
- 1980 Republican National Convention
- 1980 Republican Party Platform
- 1981 General Assembly
- 1982 Election
- 1982 Indiana Congressional Campaign
- 1982 Lugar Senate Campaign
- 1982 Republican Party Platform
- 1982 Republican Platform
- 1982 Senate Election
- 1983 Election
- 1983 Indianapolis Mayoral Campaign
- 1983 Mayoral Election
- 1984 Election
- 1984 Indiana Black Expo
- 1984 Indiana Congressional Campaign
- 1984 Indiana Republican Convention
- 1984 Indiana Republican State Convention
- 1984 Presidential Election
- 1984 Republican National Convention
- 1984 Republican Party Platform
- 1984 Summer Olympics
- 1985 Election
- 1985 NBA All-Star Game
- 1986 Alaska Gubernatorial Election
- 1986 Election
- 1986 Senate Election
- 1986 World Conference on Large Lakes
- 1987 Election
- 1987 Indianapolis Mayoral Campaign
- 1987 Protocol
- 1988 Election
- 1988 Indiana State Republican Convention
- 1988 Presidential Campaign