1975 Election
95 items found
1975 Mayor Vote, Hudnut Vote to Total Registration, Marion County
1975 Mayor Vote Contribution and Percent of Vote Ranked by Major Party Plurality
1975 Republican Primary Vote Contribution Ranked by Ward, Marion County
1975 Democrat Primary Vote Contribution Ranked by Ward, Marion County
Mayor Hudnut with Two Boys During 1975 Mayoral Campaign
William H. Hudnut III with GOP Chairman at 1st Race for Mayor, Photograph, 1975
First Status Report Compiled on Mayor's Voluntary Pledge Card Fund Raising System
GOP Party Dinner Ticket
Guidelines for Volunteers - 1975 Public Employee Fund Drive
Invitation to Reception Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Hudnut
Memorandum from Mitchell Daniels Regarding Status of Pledge Card Fund Drive
Number of Eligible Employees for Mayor's Voluntary Pledge Card Fund Drive by Department
Marion County Republican Central Committee Form Letter (Draft), March 5, 1975
Frank J. Russell to Committeepersons, October 27, 1975
John W. Sweezy to Mayor Lugar, October 24, 1975
Mayor Lugar to John F. Watkins, December 27, 1974
Lee M. LeMay to Mayor Lugar, September 21, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Lee M. LeMay, September 27, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Steve Fleck, September 21, 1973
George M. Sullivan to Mayor Lugar, September 15, 1975