1975 Election
95 items found
Mayor Lugar to George M. Sullivan, September 10, 1975
Lugar Will Not Seek Third Term, February 26, 1975
Statement of Mayor Richard G. Lugar. February 26, 1975
M.A. Clift to Mayor Hudnut, November 28, 1975
Senior Citizens: Hudnut's Concern for the Elderly
Hudnut Pledges Aid to Senior Citizens
Former Congressman Bill Hudnut Told a Senior Citizens Group Today...
Parks and Recreation, May 27, 1975
Water Needs, June 16, 1975
Women, April 29, 1975
Hudnut would Involve Women in Government
Hudnut Would Keep City Financially Strong
Hudnut Plans Extensive Business Recruiting
Jobs: More and Better Jobs for the Citizens of Indianapolis
City Services: Insure the Delivery of Basic Services to All Citizens of Indianapolis
Hudnut Pledges "Good Housekeeping"
Hudnut Pledges Residential Street Improvement
The Expression, Vol. 1, No. 4
Newman Cryer to William H. Hudnut, III, September 18, 1975
In a Breakfast Speech Before a Group of Ministers, June 10, 1975