Geneva Trip - July 1970
60 items found
Robert (Bob) E. Hampton to Keith
Bud Harrigan to Mr. and Mrs. Bulen, July 30, 1970
Nola Allen to Keith Bulen, July 11, 1970
D.T. Swall to Bulen, July 20, 1970
This Seat Is Reserved For Mr. Bulen
Nick to Bulen, July 20, 1970
United States Mission, Geneva, Switzerland: Information Bulletin No. 345
Gordon and Lynda to Keith and Carole, September 14, 1970
Golay Fils & Stahl S.A.: Facture, Facture No. 27857
Mother and Dad to Children, July 22, 1970
Lido Concession Photographique: Receipt No. 002316
United States Mission, Geneva, Switzerland: Administrative Memorandum No. 37
Spoke with Mr. William Carr
Bud Harrigan to Bulen, July 21, 1970
Nola Allen to Mr. and Mrs. Bulen, September 24, 1970
Patek Philippe