Nov. 95 Procs
50 items found
AXA World Ride '95 History
AXA World Ride '95 Core Riders
Robert Taylor to Mayor Goldsmith, August 31, 1995
AXA World Ride Event Cities
Proclamation "Bands of America Week"
Katie Freiburger to Mayor Goldsmith, August 25, 1995
Proclamation "One Church, One Child Week"
Reverend Elaine Walters to Mayor Goldsmith, October 5, 1995
Proclamation "Peace Corps Day"
Lynette Farinas to Mitzi Hurst, October 31, 1995
Proclamation "Youth Appreciation Day"
Carolyn S. Wischmann to Mitzie, November 1, 1995
Proclamation "Catholic Social Services Day"
Sue Sandefur and Ray Hofer to Mitzi Hurst, November 1, 1995
Proclamation "Michael B. Stayton Day"
Proclamation "James A. Enzor Day"
Proclamation "Rabbis Sasso Day"
Rabbis Sasso Celebrate 18 Years at Beth-El Zedeck
Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso Synopsis
Rabbi Dennis C. Sasso Synopsis