June Negatives_News Con. On Swimming Tickets, 6-28-82 / Bea's Bakery Celebration, 6-25-82 / Walter's "Going Away" Labor Group Pic, 6-24-82

41 items found

Mayor Hudnut at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Basketball League News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 3, with Art Strong

Mayor Hudnut at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Basketball League News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 4, with Art Strong

Mayor Hudnut at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Basketball League News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 5, with Art Strong

Mayor Hudnut at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Basketball League News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 6, with Art Strong

Mayor Hudnut at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Basketball League News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 7

Mayor Hudnut at News Conference on Swimming Tickets, June 28, 1982,

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 1, with Roger Coleman

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 10, with Roger Coleman

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 2, with Roger Coleman

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 3, with Roger Coleman

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 4

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 5

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 6, with Roger Coleman

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 7, with Roger Coleman

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 8, with Roger Coleman

Mayor Hudnut at World Runners News Conference, June, 1982, Img. 9, with Roger Coleman

Mayor Hudnut in Walter's "Going Away" Labor Group Pic, June 24, 1982, Accidental Exposure

Mayor Hudnut in Walter's "Going Away" Labor Group Pic, June 24, 1982, Img. 1, with Walter Abell and Tom Henry

Mayor Hudnut in Walter's "Going Away" Labor Group Pic, June 24, 1982, Img. 2

World Runners Press Conference, June, 1982, Img. 1