Marion County
1,002 items found
U.S. Congressional District Map 1980
1972 Republican Congressional Vote Contribution Ranked by Ward, Marion County
1974 Republican Congressional Vote Contribution Ranked by Ward, Marion County
1974 Congressional Vote Ranked by Major Party Plurality, Marion County
1968 Presidential Vote, Total Vote to Total Registration, Marion County
1972 Presidential Vote, Total Vote to Total Registration, Marion County
1972 Presidential Vote, Nixon Vote to Total Registration, Marion County
1974 Senate Vote, Lugar Vote to Total Registration, Marion County
1975 Mayor Vote, Hudnut Vote to Total Registration, Marion County
1970 Senate Vote, Roudebush Vote to Total Registration, Marion County
1968 Presidential Vote Contribution and Percent of Vote Ranked by Major Party Plurality
1970 Senate Vote Contribution and Percent of Vote Ranked by Major Party Plurality
Marion County Newspaper Insert Information
1975 Mayor Vote Contribution and Percent of Vote Ranked by Major Party Plurality
A Digest of Marion County Voting, 1960 to Present
1968 Congressional Vote, Contribution by Ward and Precinct, Marion County
1971 Mayorality Election, Ranked by Major Party Plurality, Marion County
1971 Republican Mayoralty Vote, Contribution Ranked by Ward, Marion County
1971 Republican Primary Vote Contribution Ranked by Ward, Eleventh District
1970 Republican Primary Vote Contribution Ranked by Ward, Marion County