Marion County
1,002 items found
Indianapolis Inner-Need Area: Map A
Number of Families Receiving Public Assistance in Marion County in 1970
Population: Metropolitan Area, October, 1974
Median Family Income 1969
Median Family Income 1969
Introduction Report: Revenue
Ronald P. Jones to William H. Hudnut, III, David R. Frick, and Bruce B. Melchert, May 30, 1975
1970 Census Tract
The Housing Component
Landfills within Marion County
Mayor Hudnut to Greg Allen, June 15, 1984
Marion County GOP Clubs
David E. Carley to Mayor Hudnut and Others, March 26, 1984
Comprehensive Plan - Marion County, Indiana
Agenda for Marion County Legislative Delegation
Map of Marion County
Mayor Hudnut to Curtis L. Coonrod, May 31, 1989
101st Indiana General Assembly; Marion County Delegation
John W. Sweezy to Ward Chairman et al., November 30, 1983
Harry Eakin to Mayor Hudnut, November 10, 1983