1,460 items found
Circle Centre Mall
Sting Operation
Indianapolis Recycles Program Now Accepting Newspaper, March 3, 1995
Mayor Goldsmith to Joe Young, January 22, 1998
Mayor Goldsmith to Frank E. Russell, April 15, 1996
Mayor Goldsmith to Mr. Louis A. Weil III, April 15, 1996
Charles E. Thomas to Mayor Goldsmith, April 8, 1996, Item 2
Dianna Boyce to S. Spiers, December 19, 1997
Mitzi Hurst to Kay Feeney Caito
Proclamation "Underwear Day"
Donors Jockey for Position to Make Underwear Day February at Star/News Success
To Do In Indianapolis, June 1994
To Do In Indianapolis Fact Sheet
Mayor Goldsmith to William G. Mays, June 29, 1994
Senior Beacon Editorial Profile
Steve Planamenta to Whom It May Concern, February 24. 1992
From Stephen Goldsmith, Wrestlemania VIII
Diane Aden Hayes to John Hatfield, September 28, 1995
Mayor Goldsmith to John Hatfield, June 5, 1995
Dudley Fishburn to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, July 18, 1995