Mayor's Labor Advisory Council

157 items found

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 14, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 15

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Proof Sheet

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 1, with Walter Abell, John M. Ryan

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 2, with Walter Abell, John M. Ryan

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 4, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut at Milano Labor Lunch, June 9, 1988, Img. 5, with Walter Abell

Mayor Hudnut and Walter Abell with Labor Advisory Board, May 26, 1988, Img. 1

MLAC Picnic, August 11, 1988, Img. 1, with Mayor Hudnut, Walter Abell, Lynn Druding, Paul A. Annee

MLAC Picnic, August 11, 1988, Img. 2, with Mayor Hudnut, Walter Abell, Lynn Druding, Paul A. Annee

MLAC Picnic, August 11, 1988, Img. 3, with Mayor Hudnut, Walter Abell, Lynn Druding, Paul A. Annee

MLAC Picnic, August 11, 1988, Img. 4, with Mayor Hudnut, Walter Abell, Deborah Sargent

MLAC Picnic, August 11, 1988, Img. 5, with Mayor Hudnut, Walter Abell

MLAC Picnic, August 11, 1988, Img. 7, with Mayor Hudnut, Walter Abell, Lynn Druding, Paul A. Annee

Mayor Hudnut at MLAC Xmas Party, December 8, 1988, Img. 2

Mayor Hudnut at MLAC Xmas Party, December 8, 1988, Img. 5

Mayor Hudnut at MLAC Xmas Party, December 8, 1988, Img. 6

Mayor Hudnut at MLAC Xmas Party, December 8, 1988, Img. 7, with Barbara S. Gole, Donald M. McPherson, Paul A. Annee, Joseph J. Shelton

Mayor Hudnut at MLAC Xmas Party, December 8, 1988, Proof Sheet

Mayor Hudnut at MLAC Christmas Party, Img. 1, with Walter Abell