Toledo, Ohio
68 items found
Frank L. Britt to Mayor Lugar, May 19, 1969
Greater Toledo Municipal League Press Release, May 13, 1969
Greater Toledo Municipal League Press Release, May 29, 1969
June 4 for Follow-Up File
Mayor Lugar to Carleton S. Finkbeiner, June 10, 1969
Mayor Lugar to Edward F. Weber, April 22, 1969
Mayor Lugar to Ford R. Weber, April 22, 1969
Mayor Lugar to Ford R. Weber, June 10, 1969
Mayor Lugar to Frank Britt, June 10, 1969
Mayor Lugar to Ray D. Baldwin, May 6, 1969
Mayor Lugar's Appointments, June 4-6, 1969
Mayor Lugar's Travel Intinerary, June 3-5, 1969
Mayor Richard G. Lugar Travel Expense Report, June 5, 1969
R. D. Baldwin to Mayor Lugar, June 5, 1969
Ray D. Baldwin to Mayor Lugar, May 2, 1969
The Greater Toledo Municipal League Newsletter, May 1969
Mayor Lugar's Travel Itinerary, June 5, 1969
Focus Salutes Toledo Ohio's Drug Abuse Program
Toledo Area Program On Drug Abuse
Toledo City Council Resolution 267-69