Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

3,114 items found

Mayor Hudnut at 79th & Ditch Reopening, October 25, 1988, Img. 26

Mayor Hudnut at 79th & Ditch Reopening, October 25, 1988, Img. 27

Mayor Hudnut at 79th & Ditch Reopening, October 25, 1988, Img. 30, with Joseph C. Staehler

Mayor Hudnut at 79th & Ditch Reopening, October 25, 1988, Img. 4, with Joseph C. Staehler, Mark Goff

Mayor Hudnut at 79th & Ditch Reopening, October 25, 1988, Img. 5, with Joseph C. Staehler

Mayor Hudnut at 79th & Ditch Reopening, October 25, 1988, Proof Sheet 1

Mayor Hudnut at Children's Museum Haunted House 25 years Ribbon Cutting, October 15, 1988, Img. 10

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 10, with Mayor Hudnut

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 11, with Mayor Hudnut

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 13, with Mayor Hudnut

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 14

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 2

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 20

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 21, with Mayor Hudnut

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 3, with Mayor Hudnut

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 5, with Mayor Hudnut

Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Img. 8, with Mayor Hudnut

Mayor Hudnut at Dedication of Firehouse #3, November 5, 1988, Proof Sheet

ECI Ribbon Cutting, April 21, 1988, Img. 13, with John L. Krauss

ECI Ribbon Cutting, April 21, 1988, Img. 15, with John L. Krauss