Public Opinion
796 items found
County Line, Vol. 2, No. 2
Ben to John, May 17, 1985
Survey Proposal for the City of Indianapolis-Concept Paper
Bruce B. Melchert to Mayor Hudnut and John Sweezy, June 30, 1980
Public Opinion Report, May 19, 1980
To Mayor Hudnut, February 21, 1979
Art Strong to Mayor Hudnut, February 3, 1984
Art Strong to Mayor Hudnut, January 7, 1983
The Walker Poll
Mayor Hudnut to Robert H. Reynolds, February 28, 1979
Robert H. Reynolds to Mayor Hudnut, February 22, 1979
Here's What They're Saying About Indianapolis...
Mayor Hudnut to Joseph G. McAtee, August 4, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Thomas Schneider, August 4, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Ray Paschke, August 4, 1988
From Mayor Hudnut, December 1, 1989
Cities Fight Back against Drugs Week Declared
From Mayor Hudnut, December 1, 1989_Letterhead
Nation's Mayors and Police Chiefs Gather to Coordinate Drug War
County Government Health Care Opinion Survey