Revenue Sharing
1,107 items found
Richard G. Lugar to Allen E. Pritchard, May 29, 1973
Photocopy of Table B, Eagleton Amendment
Statement of Mayor J. D. Braman, July 30, 1968
The Mayor, November 1, 1973
Richard G. Lugar to P.I. Prentice, July 17, 1969
Draft, Subject: Revenue Sharing Support
Informal Conference on Revenue Sharing Minutes
City of Indianapolis Total Revenue
The additional state costs...
Proposals to Redistribute Responsibilities in the Federal System
Proposals to Redistribute Responsibilities in the Federal System by Senator Dave Durenberger
Reagan to the Nation's Governors- The Federal Aid Cupboard is Bare
Howard H. Baker, Jr. to Alan Beals, December 4, 1981
Resolutions 1986 Adopted at the Annual Congress of Cities
Present Status of GRS Legislation as it Goes to the House Floor for a Vote
From James Riehle and Clifford Dickman, February 8, 1979
IACT ACTionlines May 1980
Michael J. Quinn to Jessie M. Rattley, July 30, 1979
IACT Actionlines October 1980
IACT Actionlines December 1980