1,305 items found
"Robert Hignite Day"
"Kelly Services Week"
"Vicki Hall Day"
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso to Lauran Deam, March 16, 1989
Virginia Burney to Lauran Deam, March 8, 1989
"Indiana Piano Teachers Guild Day"
Florence Leigh to Brad Tracy, April 4, 1991
Site Visit, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, September 17-18, 1982
From Mayor Hudnut (Indianapolis for the Indiana Lutheran School Teachers' Conference)
Stephen Rensner to Mayor Hudnut, August 29, 1991
From Mayor Hudnut, March 14, 1990
From Mayor Hudnut_On the Educational Conference '86
Jacelyn Strom to Mayor Hudnut, November 3, 1986
"Dr. Louis C. Gatto Day"
Norma Rocklage to Mayor Hudnut, April 24, 1989
"Susan Lapworth Day"
"Michael D. McGinley Day"
"Glenn Hoover Day"
Sharon Gearhart to Lauran Deam, April 15, 1989
Thomas Alsop to Art Bustamante, October 9, 1990