Snow Removal
381 items found
Mayor Unveils Upgraded 'Operation Masterplow'
Department of Transportation Major Accomplishments 1976-1990
Mayor Hudnut to Hiram E. Cushenberry, February 13, 1979
Hiram E. Cushenberry to Mayor Hudnut, February 5, 1979
Department Of Transportation; Operation Master Plow Up-Date
R.E. Sheets to All Employees, February 16, 1982
Richard Rippel to Andy Sims, et. al., February 11, 1982
Media Advisory, Department of Transportation, December 3, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to J. Michael Kavanaugh, February 25, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Bud Gohmann, March 8, 1984
Bud Gohmann to Mayor Hudnut, March 1, 1984
Mrs. Thomas to Mayor Hudnut , January 17, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Alfred K.B.Tsang, January 6, 1978
Alfred K.B.Tsang to Mayor Hudnut, December 23, 1978
Margaret Trowbridge to Mayor Hudnut, February 6, 1978
Mayor Announces Comprehensive Plan for Snow Plowing and Ice Control, November 18, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Peggy McClelland, March 18, 1983
Mayor Hudnut Outlines "Operation Master Plow"
Department of Transportation Goals and Objectives
Dave McGrath to Mayor Hudnut, March 24, 1982