4,940 items found
The Akron Roundtable Notes
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule at a Glance, Denver and Tulsa Trip
Complete Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, Denver and Tulsa Trip, August 29-31, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Maryjo Welch, August 22, 1984
William H. Hudnut, III to Raymond C. Johnson, April 24, 1970
William H. Hudnut, III to Gordon St. Angelo, January 27, 1972
Beverly Hudnut to Mayor Hudnut, June 29, 1993
Nelson Grills to William Hudnut, September 14, 1972
John E. Rowe to Vincent P. Barabba, February 27, 1974
Chapter 6: Governing the Showplace
V. Financing the Showplace
"White Flight"
From No-Place to Show-Place: Indianapolis
Governing the Metropolitan City: Neighborhoods and Unigov
Richard G. Lugar, Mayor of Indianapolis, February 12, 1972
From Mayor Lugar_Proposal No.77
From Mayor Lugar Re: UniGov and the Indianapolis Police Department
City-County Proposal NO. 77, 1972_with Notes
City-County Proposal NO. 77, 1972
Unigov Organization Chart