4,940 items found
Richard B. Wetzel to William A. Leak, Jul. 20, 1971
What does Unigov Cost
Dr. Lawrence M. Borst to Mayor Lugar, July 1, 1970
Floyd H. Hyde to Mayor Lugar, February 10, 1971
Mayor Lugar to Dr. Eugene Henry (Ned) Lamkin Jr., March 10, 1971
Allen M. Cook to Mayor Lugar, March 2, 1973
What is the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee Doing, Summer-Fall, 1969
Patsy M. Kunz to Richard G. Lugar, August 8, 1969
Brian L. Bex to Mayor Lugar, February 11, 1972
Fight Raise of Taxes
Glen H. Burkhardt to Mayor Lugar, February 8, 1972
Lee R. Eads to Brian L. Bex, February 10, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Brian L. Bex, February 15, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Glen H. Burkhardt, February 10, 1972
Mayor Lugar to W. S. Webb, February 15, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Warren C. Moberly, February 16, 1972
W. S. Webb to Mayor Lugar
Warren C. Moberly to Mayor Lugar, February 14, 1972
Organization Chart, Unified Government
Questions Most Frequently Aslked About UniGov