4,940 items found
Note to Sue Anne Gilroy
Note, Father Tim Gibson
Notes, 1-5, 2 Dep. Mayor's, etc.
Notes, Dennis West, Lola Wagner, February 21, 1974
Notes, Mayor, Ad., DOT, DOD, Park Dept, NO
Parr to Lugar, March 11, 1974
Paul C. Fowler to Sue Anne Gilroy, April 3, 1974
Prospectus on MacMurray College and its Cooperative Education Program
Letter from Dr. York Willbern to Mayor Lugar, September 19, 1972
Structure of Government in Marion County
Unigov, What It Is, What It Isn't
David O. Meeker, Jr. to A.W. Hendricksen, September 25, 1970
Notes on Unigov Pamphlet and Accomplishments of Administration
Radtke to Lugar, January 2, 1974
Randall Lowell Parr Application Form, April 9, 1974
Randall Lowell Parr Application Form, April 9, 1974_Original
Ricahrd White to Michael DeFabis, December 3, 1974
Richard G. Lugar to Administrative Director of Graduate Programs, December 4, 1974
Richard G. Lugar to Admissions Office, December 3, 1974
Richard G. Lugar to Admissions Office, Harvard Law School, December 9, 1974