4,940 items found
Fedora I. Wilkins to Personnel File, October 7, 1969
Frederick Nelson Norman Application Form, February 27, 1973
Fredrick Nelson Norman to Office of the Mayor, February 15, 1973
G. Marilyn Schultz to Jim Morris, April 16, 1972
G. Marilyn Schultz to Richard White, April 26, 1972
Grant Michael Monahan, February 21, 1973
James Marshall Warden Application Form, January 23, 1973
Marla Rene Rice Application Form, February 17, 1974_Original
Mary Katherine Johnson Application Form, February 20, 1974_Original
Mayor Lugar to Dr. B. W. Johnson, January 22, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Thomas Gibson, February 13, 1974
Michael A. Carroll to Sue Anne Gilroy, April 19, 1974, Note
Note from Lola Wagner to Sue Anne Regarding Mark Wendell Resor
Notes, 1-5, 2 Dep. Mayor's, etc.
Notes, Dennis West, Lola Wagner, February 21, 1974
Paul C. Fowler to Sue Anne Gilroy, April 3, 1974
Prospectus on MacMurray College and its Cooperative Education Program
Notes on Unigov Pamphlet and Accomplishments of Administration
Richard G. Lugar to Administrative Director of Graduate Programs, December 4, 1974