4,940 items found
Dr. Dwight W. Schuster to Patrolman Robert Givan, May 1, 1972
Editorial: Police Department
General Order 73-02 TNG-01 College Course Control
Green Sheet: IUPUI Newsletter
Indiana State Board of Health - Division of Weights and Measures - Annual Report - July 1, 1971 to June 30, 1973
Indiana State Board of Health - Division of Weights and Measures - July 1973
Indiana State Board of Health - Division of Weights and Measures - Monthly Report - June 1973
Indianapolis Fire Department Annual Report 1973
Harry Ruth to David O. Meeker Jr., February 15, 1972
James W. Beatty to David O. Meeker, August 24, 1972
Kenton P. Rawlinson to Richard G. Lugar, Septmber 30, 1971
Marvin Stewart to John W. Walls, March 23, 1973
Michael A. Carrol to Richard G. Lugar, March 18, 1974
Michael M. Berlin to Richard G. Lugar, March 29, 1974
O'Donnell to Bandy
P. J. Finneran to Mayor Lugar, December 1, 1972
Police - Fire Communication System Estimate of Cost
Raymond C. Picard to Bill Morgan, February 15, 1974
Raymond J. Strattan to Gene A. Waters, December 12, 1972
Indianapolis Municipal Dog Kennels Statistical Report, May 1972