Youth Programs
2,397 items found
Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth Steering Committee
Mayor Hudnut to Stanley P. Strader, April 11, 1988
Joseph A. Slash to Mayor Hudnut, April 7, 1988
Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth, Organizational Structure and Functions
Proposed Make-Up Greater Indianapolis Comission on Youth
Irvin S. Katz to Mayor Hudnut, April 22, 1988
Mark Bowell to Mayor Hudnut, April 11, 1990
Project Leadership-Service Brochure
Youth Leadership Program VII Brochure
Mayor Hudnut to James W. Payne, August 5, 1985
Franz Arthur Strong to Michael A. Carroll, April 11, 1988
1988 Program Proposal Summary, Department of Parks and Recreation
Mayor Hudnut to Barbara Fass, March 4, 1988
1987/88 Checkers Hockey Youth Hockey Program
1986-87 Youth Hockey Activities List
Mayor Hudnut to S. Henry Bundles Jr., June 25, 1986
Thomas E. Plake to Mary Ann Pahud, July 19, 1984
Westside Corps Community Center
Peter V. Sterling to Mayor Hudnut, January 5, 1984
Computer Center and Network Applications Summary