U.S. Congress
224 items found
Joseph H. Macaulay to Mayor Lugar, December 12, 1972
L. Keith Bulen to Elwood Hillis, March 14, 1972
Lugar Calls for Investigation of Vote-Buying in Passage of Maritime Bill
Lugar Calls Inflation "Cruelest Tax of All"
Lugar Calls Inflation "Young People's Issue"
Lugar News for Senate, Press Release, June 20, 1974
Lugar Newsletter No. 3
Mayor Lugar to John C. Stennis, September 19, 1974
L. Keith Bulen to William G. Bray, March 14, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Fellow Republican Worker, January 27, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Fellow Republican Worker, January 27, 1972
Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen to Mayor Lugar, January 2, 1973
William H. Hudnut III to Mayor Lugar, January 11, 1973
L. Keith Bulen to Don Ruby, August 16, 1971
Excerpts from the Remarks of Mayor Richard G. Lugar at the 1974 Convention of Indiana Association of Cities and Towns
Hopes for Agriculture Committee Assignment if Elected
Nancy Scott to Mayor Lugar, December 12, 1972
William I. Spencer to Members of the Candidate's Selection Committee of the Marion County Republican Central Committee, February 19, 1972
David W. Dennis to Mayor Lugar, December 30, 1972
William E. Timmons to Mayor Lugar, January 3, 1973