U.S. Senate

2,012 items found

1970 Voting Results for Indiana Senate and Congress


Hibbard For U.S. Senate Committee Press Release, August 22, 1972

U.S. Senator Edward J. Guerney, (R-Fla)

Miller Nomination Approved By Senate Judiciary Committee, December 5, 1985

Quayle: Congress Approves $6 Million Appropriation For Center For Excellence In Education At Indiana University, December 7, 1985

Quayle Presents Air Medal To Huntington Resident For His "Meritorious Achievement" During World War II, December 8, 1985

Quayle: Gramm-Rudman "Gives The Budget Process Teeth For A Change," December 11, 1985

Opening Statement of U.S. Senator Dan Quayle (R-IN) On The Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act Before The Senate Labor And Human Resources Subcommittee on Education, December 12, 1985

Quayle Introduces Education and Training Partnership Act; Bill Would Revamp Federal Administration Of Job Training And Voc ED To Improve Coordination, January 2, 1986

Quayle Salutes Delphi High Students For Balanced-Budget Drive; Presents Their $100 Check To Treasury Secretary Baker, January 21, 1986

Dan Quayle Statement, January 29, 1986

Quayle To Discuss Impact of Federal Budget On Counties And Localities, February 14, 1986

Quayle Commends President For State Of The Union, February 4, 1986

Quayle Introduces Bill To Curb Costs Of Congressional Mailings, February 6, 1986

Quayle Calls On Congress To Adhere To Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Targets; Urges Action On His Federal Spending Control Initiative, February 7, 1986

Quayle Hopeful Japan Will Extend Auto-Import Quotas At Current Levels, February 12, 1986

Quayle And Lugar Back Orr Request For Federal Disaster Assistance In Letter To Reagan, March 14, 1986

Quayle: Reagan's $100 Million Contra Aid Package "Is The Least We Can Do," March 15, 1986

Darrick Smith to Deborah L. Pilley, April 10, 1991