1,009 items found
Dr. Nadine B. Fisher to Mayor Lugar, April 16, 1969
E. H. Franke to Wayne Nelson, April 17, 1969
James N. Miller to Mass Transportation Authority, February 5, 1969
James N. Miller to Metropolitan Plan Commission, February 5, 1969
Michael A. Carroll to John Bailey, August 18, 1972
Report of the Metropolitan Task Force, Volume II
Report of the Metropolitan Task Force, Volume III (Appendix) - Part I
Report of the Metropolitan Task Force, Volume III (Appendix) - Part II
Report of the Metropolitan Task Force, Volume III (Appendix) - Part III
Report of the Metropolitan Task Force, Volume III (Appendix) - Part IV
Legal Notice of Public Hearing, June 10, 1969
Mary R. Anderson to E. W. Lausch, March 13, 1969
Mayor Lugar to Cora Balch, December 23, 1969
Mayor Lugar to Names N. Miller, February 7, 1969
W. D. Wysocki to Metropolitan Planning Department, August 21, 1969
William F. Lemond to Bill, January 23, 1969
George W. LaFerney to L. Keith Bulen, August 21, 1968
William A. Leak to Frank James, January 26, 1972
William A. Leak to Richard G. Lugar, February 3, 1972
Richard G. Lugar to Don R. Aufderheide, October 15, 1970