Ford, Gerald
497 items found
Congressional Record, Vol. 119, No. 195, December 12, 1973
Congressman Hudnut's Schedule, October 14-20, 1974
Lincoln Day Speech - Muncie, March 25, 1976 Notecards
Hudnut Supports Motion to Override Veto of Railroad Retirement Act
Research Associates Questionnaire
Market Opinion Research News
Inflation Notecards
Handwritten Notes on Hudnut Stationary
Hudnut Overrides Veto to Cut Off Aid to Turkey
Talking Points Vol. 4, No. 4, March 30, 1984
Economic Briefing - Republican National Committee
Hudnut to Act as Assistant Minority Floor Leader
Hudnut Announces Civil Rights Post
Hudnut Calls for Tax Cut
Congressional Record, Vol. 120, No. 156, October 15, 1974
President Ford Praises Hudnut
Mayor Hudnut to Gerald Ford, May 13, 1987