Kennedy, John F.
73 items found
Statement by Mayor Richard G. Lugar Regarding the Assassination Attempt on Senator Robert F. Kennedy
Mayor Lugar to David M. Kennedy, February 27, 1970
Brief History and Present Status of U.S. Bicentennial Commemoration
Strike Vote Imminent
Issue Impoundment (S.O.B. Question)
ACIR Information Exchange Service No. 74-1
A Jobs Strategy for the Inner City
The National Voter Registration Project, 1984
Congressional Record, April 19, 1973
The Passage of Power, The Gallup Opinion Index
Congressional Record, Vol. 119, No. 63, April 19, 1973
Congressman Hudnut Introduces Fiscal Responsibility Act
Text of an Address by the President on the State of the Union
Economic Briefing - Republican National Committee
The 1987 Budget: Meets Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Targets, Intelligently
89th Congress Bills Introduced List
Bruce Melchert to William Hudnut, September 18, 1972
National Policy and the Economic System
Great Decisions 1974
Fundraising for the County Party