2,458 items found
Certificate for David R. Shirley, 1989
Certificate for David R. Shirley, 1991
Certificate for Timothy Oaks, 1991_ Highlighted
Certificate for Charles Montgomery, 1991
Certificate for Wade Rubick, 1991
Certificate for Graciela E. Espinosa
Certificate for Mamie Townsend - 1989-1990
Certificate for Freida Pauley
Certificate for John Pless, 1991
Certificate for Jennie S. Conn, 1988
Certificate for P.E. MacAllister, 1987
Certificate for Alan J. Armstrong, 1989
Certificate for Alan J. Armstrong, 1991
Certificate for P.E. MacAllister, 1991
Certificate for John J. Sullivan, 1991
Certificate for William Marty, 1989
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges the Outstanding Services of David Pittard
Certificate for Pat Sheehy, 1991
Certificate for Shirl E. Gilbert, 1991
Certificate to Greg Gantt, 1991