
2,458 items found

Northwest Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis, Recognizing Keith Bulen, 1967

State of Indiana, Certifying L. Keith Bulen as Honorary Secretary of State, 1967

Indianapolis Junior Chamber of Commerce, Recognizing L. Keith Bulen, 1967

Indianapolis Real Estate Board, Recognizing Keith Bulen, 1968

State of Indiana, Certifying L. Keith Bulen as Honorary State Treasurer, 1968

State of Indiana, Certifying L. Keith Bulen as Honorary Secretary of State, 1980

The White House, Recognizing the Military Service of Lawrence K. Bulen

The Republican Party, State of Indiana, Certifying L. Keith Bulen as Marion County Chairman, 1971

Army Air Forces, Certifying War Service of L. Keith Bulen

The International Legal Fraternity of Phi Delta Phi, Certifying L. Keith Bulen as a Member, 1950

The American Judicature Society, Certifying L. Keith Bulen as a Voting Member, 1968

The American Legion, Citing L. Keith Bulen for Meritous Service, 1967

The Murat Chanters, Honoring L. Keith Bulen, 1962

The Indianapolis Junior Chamber of Commerce, Nominating L. Keith Bulen for the Good Government Award, 1966

Indiana Retail Men's Wear Association, Honoring L, Keith Bulen

State of Indiana, Certifying L. Keith Bulen as Honorary State Treasurer, 1967

The Young Republicans of Marion County, Indiana, Recognizing L. Keith Bulen, 1967

The Campaign Communicators, Honoring L. Keith Bulen, 1972

The Indiana Black Republican Council, Honoring L. Keith Bulen

Secretary of State, State of Indiana, Certifying L. Keith Bulen as a State Representative, 1990