Lugar, Charlene S.
766 items found
Bulletin Indianapolis League of Women Voters, June-July 1974
Bulletin Indianapolis League of Women Voters, May 1971
Invitation to Mayor and Mrs. Richard G. Lugar from Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Rev. Kenneth E. Reed and Mrs. L. Henry Whitesell to Mayor and Charlene Lugar, January 5, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Mrs. Ernst LeDuke, April 8, 1969
Mrs. Ernst LeDuke to Mayor Lugar, March 24, 1969
Address by The Honorable Richard G. Lugar Delivered before the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, April 14, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Rev. John A. Kenreich, December 29, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Rev. John A. Kenreich, July 6, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Rev. John A. Kenreich, September 15, 1970
E. Kirk McKinney Jr. to Hon. and Mrs. Lugar, October 18, 1974
Sesquicentennial Cookbook Planned for May Publication
Mayor Lugar to Bernard J. Weber, July 10, 1973
Jill Ruckelshaus to Mayor Lugar, March 12, 1973
Nellie Carter to Mayor Lugar July 25, 1974
Hester B. Erwin to Mayor Lugar and Charlene Lugar, March 19, 1974
Richard Lugar to Lucille Camp, January 8, 1970
Mayor's Most Memorable Christmas- For Bill Wildhack
Mayor's Most Memorable Christmas- For Bill Wildhack Rough Draft
Robert H. Reardon to Richard G. Lugar, May 26, 1970