Lugar, Richard G.
39,659 items found
Choir Singing at a Swearing-in Ceremony for Indianapolis Local Government, January 9, 1972
L. Keith Bulen Speaking at a Swearing-in Ceremony for Indianapolis Local Government, January 9, 1972, Img. 1
Thomas Hasbrook Speaking at a Swearing-in Ceremony for Indianapolis Local Government, January 9, 1972
Soldiers with Flags During Swearing-in Ceremony for Local Government, January 9, 1972
Two Judges at Swearing-in Ceremony, January 9, 1972, Img. 1
Charlene and Richard Lugar with L. Keith Bulen at Swearing-in Ceremony, January 9, 1972
Two Men at Swearing-in Ceremony, January 9, 1972
L. Keith Bulen Administers Oath of Office at Richard Lugar's Second Swearing-in as Mayor of Indianapolis, January 9, 1972, Img. 2
L. Keith Bulen Administers Oath of Office at Richard Lugar's Second Swearing-in as Mayor of Indianapolis, January 9, 1972, Img. 3
L. Keith Bulen Administers Oath of Office at Richard Lugar's Second Swearing-in as Mayor of Indianapolis, January 9, 1972, Img. 4
L. Keith Bulen with Richard and Charlene Lugar at Lugar's Second Swearing-in as Mayor of Indianapolis, January 9, 1972
L. Keith Bulen Administers Oath of Office at Richard Lugar's Second Swearing-in as Mayor of Indianapolis, January 9, 1972, Img. 5
L. Keith Bulen Administers Oath of Office at Richard Lugar's Second Swearing-in as Mayor of Indianapolis, January 9, 1972, Img. 6
Richard Lugar Speaks at Second Swearing-in as Mayor of Indianapolis, January 9, 1972, Img. 1
Keith Bulen with Richard and Charlene Lugar at Marion County Republican Central Commitee Annex, Circa 1971
Keith Bulen and Richard Lugar Examine Election Returns, November 1971
Keith Bulen, Senator Robert J. Dole, Richard Lugar, and George Tintera with Others, January 1972
Keith Bulen, Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew, Richard Lugar, and George Tintera with Others, January 17, 1972
George Tintera, Richard Lugar, and Others Present a Gift to L. Keith Bulen, 1971, Img. 2
Keith Bulen, Richard Lugar, George Tintera, and John N. Mitchell with Others, Circa January 1972