Boehm, Theodore R.
342 items found
National Sports Festival
Media Advisory on Baseball Stadium Study Committee, September 1985
Dr. Philip Borst to Mayor Hudnut, January 22, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to W. Gary High, August 3, 1983
Program and Planning Committee Report, February 20, 1978
W. Steve Collier to John L. Krauss, July 11, 1982
John L. Krauss to Ted Boehm & Sandy Knapp, April 7, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Sandy Knapp, February 9, 1982
David S. Orr to Art Strong, October 27, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Sandy Knapp, February 9, 1982- Marked
Larry A. Conrad & Herbert Simon to David Frick, August 7, 1981
Mike L. Haase to Bob Daniels, February 13, 1981
Mike L. Haase to Jep Cadou, February 13, 1981
Theodore R. Boehm to F. Boyd Hovde, February 13, 1981
From Mayor Hudnut to Theodore Boehm , February 4, 1981
Bob Daniels to Theodore Boehm, February 6, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to F. Don Miller, February 5, 1981
Sandy Knapp to Fred Armstrong, December 31, 1980
Opening Ceremonies, Tuesday, June 1, 1982
Indianapolis Selected as Host City for 1982 National Sports Festival, February 1981