798 items found
Architecture Determines Community's Image, Courthouses in Towns' Hearts Seen Symbolizing 'Liberty, Justice for All'
Indiana Colleges/Educational Institutions
K.P. Singh Designs Business Card
Proclamation, Teen Arts Fest '95' Week, Jun. 10-18, 1995
Jane Treacy to Doug Boles, May 12, 1995
Mayor Goldsmith to Jane Carpenter, February 3, 1994
Mike Venema to Mitzi Hurst, September 10, 1997
Whereas, Wyland Day
Wyland Information
Proclamation, Indianapolis Art Center 'Hands-on' Art Day, Mar. 8, 1995
Michael Snyder to Mitzi Hurst, March 6, 1995
Mary Tharp to Jim Snyder, March 6, 1995
1995 Holiday Card Design Contest Winners
IUPUI News Release, World's Largest Mural, April 10, 1995
Stephen Goldsmith to Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, May 19. 1992
City of Indianapolis Thomas Schorgl Certificate
Civic Commitment/Artistic Development
From Stephen Goldsmith, Midwest Graphics
Robert Moorhead to Harry Eakin, December 12, 1991
John McKeon to Mr. Moorehead, December 11, 1991