Conventions and Conferences
3,813 items found
David to Steve, in regards to paper submitted for the Canadian conference, October 3, 1996
Using Competition to Reinvent Government: The Indianapolis Experience
Indianapolis Experience Conference Response List
The Indianapolis Experience Participants
The Indianapolis Experience Keynote Speakers
A Summary of the Mayor's Summit of Juvenile Violence, Dallas, Texas 1994
Judith McNeeley to Steve Bartlett, March 29, 1994
Donald E. Jones to Mayor Goldsmith, February 27, 1992
Robert Ransom to Dollyne Pettingill, March 26, 1992
B.O.S.S. '92 Update, March 18, 1992
Registrations for B.O.S.S., March 26, 1992
Robert Ransom to Dollyne Pettingill, March 13, 1992
Proclamation Draft for MBE/WBE Conference, March 13, 1992
Rental Rates, Convention Center & Hoosier Dome
Rate Schedule I, Exhibits, January 1, 1988
Rate Schedule II; Convention Meetings (No Exhibits), January 1, 1988
Rate Schedule III; Non-Convention Meetings (No Exhibits), January 1, 1990
Rate Schedule IV, Commercial Public Trade Shows, January 1, 1988
Rate Schedule V, Commercial Entertainment Events, January 1, 1988
Rate Schedule VI: Stadium Sporting Events, January 1, 1988