2,675 items found
Case Study #2- New Technology For Crime Fighting
IVRP News, June 1999
Case Study #1: Cellular Watch
Case Study #3: Take Home Cars
Case Study #7: SCAT
Case Study #8: Indianapolis Violence Reduction Partnership
CrimeWatch Meeting, June 2, 1995
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, March 8, 1994
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, December 16, 1994
Community Enhancement Funds, October 18, 1995
"Crime Fighter of the Year" Award, October 27, 1995
Media Advisory, April 28, 1994
Media Advisory, April 7, 1994
Media Advisory, Mar. 22, 1994_Will Declare War on Public Nuisance
Mayor Presents Awards To Crimewatch Block Clubs. October 21, 1995
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, April 20, 1994_Board of Public Safety
Mayor Appoints Criminologist to Target Gun, Gangs Policy
National Gun Study Shows Indianapolis War on Gun Efforts Succeeding
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, August 26, 1994
IPD Shuts Down Out-of-State Drug Ring