City Councillors

452 items found

Budget Speech to City-County Council, 1985, Img. 9, with Mayor Hudnut, with Mayor Hudnut, Beurt Servaas, David P. McGrath, Stuart Rhodes, Philip Borst, Stephen R. West, Dwight Cottingham, Richard F. Clark, William Dowden, Donald W. Miller, Gordon G. Gilmer

Budget Speech to City-County Council, 1985, Img. 10, with Mayor Hudnut, Donald W. Miller

Budget Speech to City-County Council, 1985, Img. 12, with Mayor Hudnut, Donald W. Miller

Budget Speech to City-County Council, 1985, Img. 13, with Mayor Hudnut, Donald W. Miller

Budget Speech to City-County Council, 1985, Img. 15, with Mayor Hudnut

Budget Speech to City-County Council, 1985, Img. 16, with Mayor Hudnut

Budget Speech to City-County Council, 1985, Img. 17, with Mayor Hudnut, Donald W. Miller, Beurt SerVaas, Stephen R. West, David P. McGrath, Gordon G. Gilmer, Dwight Cottingham

Stuart Rhodes Head Shot, Undated, Img. 1

Stuart Rhodes Head Shot, Undated, Img. 3

Mayor Hudnut at Dr. Beurt SerVaas's Juvenile Center News Conference, Undated, Img. 4, with Dwight Cottingham

Mayor Hudnut at Dr. Beurt SerVaas's Juvenile Center News Conference, Undated, Img. 5, with Dwight Cottingham

Beulah Coughenour at Channel 16, Undated, Img. 1

Beulah Coughenour at Channel 16, Undated, Img. 2

Beulah Coughenour at Channel 16, Undated, Img. 5

Beulah Coughenour at Channel 16, Undated, Img. 9

Dedication of the New Wheelchair Fitness Trail, October 6, 1987, Img. 12, with Art Strong and Amy Bradley

Dedication of the New Wheelchair Fitness Trail, October 6, 1987, Img. 17, with Art Strong and Amy Bradley

Dedication of the New Wheelchair Fitness Trail, October 6, 1987, Img. 7, with Art Strong and Amy Bradley

Dedication of the New Wheelchair Fitness Trail, October 6, 1987, Img. 9, with Art Strong and Amy Bradley

Mayor Hudnut at Mass Burn/Landfill Press Conference, June 21, 1985, Img. 1, with Beulah Coughenour