3,458 items found
Jack Cottey to Mayor Hudnut, March 25, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Michael Carroll, May 11, 1982
Mike Carroll... Your Opportunity to Send Quality to Congress
Clarence J. Brown James E. Betts The Republican Team For Ohio
From I.A.C. Election Members, January 19, 1990
From Richard E. Hester, January 19, 1990
From Ward E. Sexson, January 22, 1990
Michael D. Moriarty to I.A.C. Member, January 23, 1990
Indianapolis Athletic Club Election
Vote Ted Engel
Miriam Junge to Mayor Hudnut, January 24, 1990
Vote Ward Sexson
Thomas J. Haynes to Mayor Hudnut, February 13, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to Barbara H. John, April 18, 1991
Mayor Hudnut to Barbara H. John, April 18, 1991_Without Signature
Invitation to the 60th Annual Meeting and Election of Officers of the Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Bureau
Thomas M. Miller to Board of Directors, January 11, 1983
Indianapolis Convention and Vistors Bureau 60th Annual Meeting Notes
Frank Otte to GOP Vet, May 16, 1983
Mailing List of Senators Which Received November 21, 1990 Congratulatory Letters