Elementary Schools
1,699 items found
Stephen Decatur Elementary School, March 23, 1990, Img. 17
Stephen Decatur Elementary School, March 23, 1990, Img. 18
Stephen Decatur Elementary School, March 23, 1990, Img. 2
Stephen Decatur Elementary School, March 23, 1990, Img. 23
Stephen Decatur Elementary School, March 23, 1990, Img. 25
Mayor Hudnut with Children's Group at Conference Room, February 16, 1978
Mayor Goldsmith is...
Cardboard Key to City of Indianapolis from School #35
"Indianapolis Through the Eyes of a Third Grader" Button
Lugar Visit to School #74
Lugar with school children, Img. 1
Lugar with school children, Img. 2
Eye Testing with Richard Lugar, Img. 2
Eye Testing with Richard Lugar, Img. 3
Eye Testing with Richard Lugar, Img. 5
School Kids with Mayor Lugar, Img. 1
School Kids with Mayor Lugar, Img. 4
Arbor Day Event at Brandes Elementary School #65, Img. 2
Arbor Day Event at Brandes Elementary School #65, Img. 3
Arbor Day Event at Brandes Elementary School #65, Img. 4