Consolidated City-County Government
307 items found
A Statement of Editorial Opinion
Mayor Lugar to J. Bruce Miller, June 20, 1975
What does Unigov Cost
Dr. Lawrence M. Borst to Mayor Lugar, July 1, 1970
Floyd H. Hyde to Mayor Lugar, February 10, 1971
Mayor Lugar to Dr. Eugene Henry (Ned) Lamkin Jr., March 10, 1971
Allen M. Cook to Mayor Lugar, March 2, 1973
National Conference on Consolidation: Partial or Total, February 20-21-22, 1973
Organization Chart, Unified Government
Questions Most Frequently Aslked About UniGov
UniGov, What it is, What it isn't
Digest, A Bill for an Act Concerning Reorganization of Government
Synopsis of Senate Bill 543
Table of Contents of Consolidated City Bill
The Reasons for Senate Bill 543, Copy 2
Consolidated Government for Indianapolis as Provided by Indianapolis Senate Bill 543
Indianapolis Local Government, 1970
Claude M. Spilman Jr. to John Walls, February 10, 1968
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee, Report to Members and Contributors, 1967
Mayor Lugar's Remarks to GOP Committeemen, January 27, 1971