Drug Abuse Prevention
1,258 items found
Mayor Hudnut at Hook Rehabilitation Center, July 9, 1979, Img. 4
Mayor Hudnut at Hook Rehabilitation Center, July 9, 1979, Img. 7
Mayor Hudnut at Hook Rehabilitation Center, July 9, 1979, Img. 8
Mayor Lugar to Karl E. Carson, January 18, 1971
Capt. Owen...
Bob (Beckmann Jr.) to Jim, Note
CASA, The Indianapolis Response to the Drug Dependency Dilemma, January 1973
Robert E. Patricelli to Jerris Leonard, May 21, 1971
Schedule for Drug Abuse Prevention National Advisory Council, October 16, 1972
Statement by the President on Drug Abuse
Mayor Lugar to William Wuerch, February 11, 1972_Different Folder
TASC--Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime
William L. Smith to Colleague, May 14, 1971
Edgar D. Whitcomb to Robert E. Wimmenauer, December 3, 1969
Elliot Richardson to Mayor Lugar, June 7, 1972_Morris
Indianapolis Needs the CASA Center
Introduction on Drug Abuse Education Act
Jeffrey E. Donfeld to Mayor Lugar, August 4, 1972_Original
Mayor Lugar to Elliot Richardson, May 26, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Herber H. Bacon, April 12, 1972