847 items found
Indianapolis Police Department Staffing Statistics - June 1981
Employee Recognition Banquet
1. Presentation of Awards at 8:00 P.M.
IPD Civilian Employee of the Year Russell Spurlin
Fred Armstrong Time off
Richard Rippel to 24th Floor Staff and Posting, January 5, 1983
"Meet Your Mayor" Visit to Ford Motor Company
Centralized Personnel-Goals for 1983
Employee Recognition Banquet Invitation
Employee Recognition Program, Agenda
Fred Cipriani to Mayor Hudnut, February 7, 1978
Civilian Employee of the Year
The Helicopter Will Pick Up Mayor Hudnut...
Art Strong to Dennis Zompetti, July 30, 1980
Ray Crowe to Mayor Hudnut, June 13, 1979
"Meet Your Mayor" Trip to Dow Chemical
Recognition Assembly
Mayor Hudnut to Charles Rosemann, May 22, 1978
Charles Rosemann to Mayor Hudnut, May 19, 1978
Employee Recognition Dinner, January 31, 1979