Indianapolis, Revitalization Efforts
4,964 items found
Mayor Goldsmith Inside FedEx Plane Hangar, Img. 4
FedEx Plane, Img. 3
Mayor Goldsmith Cleaning or Painting Road, Circa 1998, Img. 1
Aerial view of construction at Market Square Arena, Img. 1
Indianapolis Union Station, Img. 3
Indianapolis Union Station, Img. 5
Aerial view of downtown Indianapolis, Img. 2
Aerial view of downtown Indianapolis, Img. 4
Aerial view of construction at Market Square Arena, Img. 3
Aerial view of construction by City-County Building
Man with architect's plans, Img. 4
Man with architect's plans, Img. 5
Market Square Investors Office Building & Hotel Complex, Img. 6
Market Square Investors Office Building & Hotel Complex, Img. 7
Market Square Investors Office Building & Hotel Complex, Img. 9
Market Square Investors Office Building & Hotel Complex, Img. 10
Urban walls contest winner, Img. 1
Urban walls contest winner, Img. 2
Urban walls contest winner, Img. 3
Aerial view of downtown Indianapolis, Img. 2