Indianapolis, Revitalization Efforts
4,964 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Richard E. Hamilton, December 11, 1985
INHP Fiscal Year 1991-1992 Work Plan
Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership 1991 Period 4
Mayor Hudnut Announces Renovation of Former Fletcher Place Methodist Church
What is Indianapolis?
Mayor Hudnut to William A. Dowden, April 24, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Donald W. Miller, April 24, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Richard Rippel, April 24, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to John G. Tinder, April 24, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Stephen R. West, April 24, 1978
Lesa Dietrick Named Executive Assistant to the Mayor
Mayor Hudnut to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Simon, February 19, 1985
For Immediate Release, October 3, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Glenn L. Howard, April 30, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Roy R. Paulsen, November 21, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to Arthur E. White, April 12, 1989
Year of the Neighborhood Moves Forward
Devington Shopping Center Revitalization Program
Mayor Hudnut to Lenore Crenshaw, October 30, 1984
Sidewalk Renaissance Fundraiser, September 6