Indianapolis, Revitalization Efforts
4,964 items found
Garfield Park Renovation
Goldsmith First to Make Splash at The New Aquatic Center in Garfield Park
Garfield Park Aquatic Center
Proclamation "Robert Reynolds Day"
Sample Language Resolution, Bob Reynolds Day, April 20, 1999
Mayor Unveils $50 Million Plan For Martin Luther King Corridor
David Castro, Thoughts on the 21st Century
Damon Haney Jr., Thoughts on the 21st Century
Mike Escue II, Thoughts on the 21st Century
Amanda Jayne, Thoughts on the 21st Century
Daniel Smith, Thoughts on the 21st Century
Drawing by Jennifer, Age 6 - Room 111 - Gr. 1
State of the City Address "Building the 21st Century City", Feb. 4, 1993
State of the City, Jan. 4, 1993, Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, William Penn Elementary School
Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, January 7, 1993
From Mayor Goldsmith, Clean City Designation
Victoria J. Scott to Brenda Gehrich, January 29, 1999
Victoria J. Scott to Shannon Buskirk, Dennis Redick, Jim Brainard, et al., February 15, 1999
Stephen Goldsmith to Suzanne W. Morse, February 18, 1999
Stephen Goldsmith to Suzanne Morse, February 11, 1999