Indianapolis City-County Building
7,472 items found
Joseph A. Slash with Church Group in MCR, Undated, Img. 1
Joseph A. Slash with Church Group in MCR, Undated, Img. 2
Mayor Hudnut at Mayor's Recognition Day, February 27, 1991, Img. 20, with Paul Maiden and Stanley Malless
Unidentified City Employee in City-County Building Office, Undated, Img. 1
Unidentified City Employee in City-County Building Office, Undated, Img. 2
Blankenbaker Committee Meeting, Img. 1, with Richard I. Blankenbaker, Robert Moorhead, Beverly Mukes-Gaither, Richard McConnell
Blankenbaker Committee Meeting, Img. 2, with Richard I. Blankenbaker, Robert Moorhead, Beverly Mukes-Gaither, Richard McConnell
John Krauss Wind Damage Press Conference in MCR, Undated, Img. 1
John Krauss Wind Damage Press Conference in MCR, Undated, Img. 2
John Krauss Wind Damage Press Conference in MCR, Undated, Img. 3
Mayor Hudnut at Press Conference in MCR with Paul Annee and Two Men, Undated, Img. 1
Mayor Hudnut at Press Conference in MCR with Paul Annee and Two Men, Undated, Img. 2
Joseph A. Slash and Art Strong at Peace Games Meeting, April 17, 1985, Img. 3
Mayor Hudnut with Woman from India, June 1979, Img. 1
Mayor Hudnut with Woman from India, June 1979, Img. 2
Unidentified Press Conference in MCR 1, Undated, Img. 6, with Mayor Hudnut
Unidentified Press Conference in MCR 1, Undated, Img. 7
Unidentified Press Conference in MCR 1, Undated, Img. 8
Unidentified Press Conference in MCR 1, Undated, Img. 9, with Mayor Hudnut
Unidentified Press Conference in MCR 2, Undated, Img. 1, with Mayor Hudnut